

For young people, KuFa culture factory offers nice plays and concerts.


Watch football at the Oberwerth-Stadium and see TuS Koblenz (http://www.tus-koblenz.de)

"Rhein in Flammen"

On the second weekend in August, watch "Rhein in Flammen" Rhein in Flames. During that weekend there are concerts at Deutsches Eck, with a big fireworks display on Saturday evening. The history for this event is that the Germans sent burning ships down the Rhine and confused the Roman troops. So they broke through the "limes", a wall which protected the Romans from the uncivilized wild Germans.

"Nacht der Museen"

In September is the "Nacht der Museen" Night of Museums. Special buses run between museums and other points of interest, which are open till midnight. Ticket for entrance and bus is about €16.

Boating trips on the Rhine

Are famous. there are castles and vineyards to see.

classical theater

Koblenz has a classical theater. In Germany, men wear suits and women wear gowns when going to a classic theatre.

Blaue Biwel

In Blaue Biwel enjoy the cabaret.